ConnectMedia Ventures

What We Do

ConnectMedia is a software development company that provides innovative technologies and IT services across multiple industries. We provide a suite of technologies and online tools designed to drive business in the online marketplace. Our flagship product, LeadSherpa, is a cloud-based Lead Acquisition Platform that combines lead optimization technology with lead management functionality to enable lenders to profitably acquire, manage and optimize lead performance.

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Who We Serve

Our technologies are used by companies who generate or buy online leads as part of their business model. Our clients span across numerous industries, including online consumer and business finance, healthcare, senior care, affiliate marketing and social media. Our clients believe in leveraging innovative technology and automation to grow their business.

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The LeadSherpa Lead Acquisition Platform was developed after many years of managing online lead performance utilizing various decisioning tools and external data providers that all functioned independently. Performance was measured and optimized manually which made it challenging and time consuming to maintain a decisioning process that consistently met performance targets. LeadSherpa combines the functionality of a lead management system with proprietary technologies used to automatically optimize lead campaigns based on real-time performance data.

LeadSherpa's optimization suite automatically adjusts sources, lead flow, scorecards, data providers and data cost based on actual performance to ensure the most profitable waterfall is being used to meet performance targets.



Increase Conversion
Buy more good leads and fewer bad ones based on real-time data


Reduce CFD/CPL
Weed out under-performing leads prior to underwriting / decisioning


Optimize Lead Price
Dynamically adjust price point based on real time performance


Expand Lead Sources
Sift through leads from new sources to find the good ones

Why We Do It

We develop software and technology solutions that help companies grow their online business. We believe in using automation and systems design that enable companies to drive efficiencies into their processes in order to increase ROI. Our solutions are used across several industries, including online consumer and business finance, healthcare, senior care, affiliate marketing and social media. LeadSherpa and our other tools are designed for companies that buy or generate online leads.



Who We Are

ConnectMedia is made up of industry leaders with decades of hands on experience in the online lead market. Since 2008, we’ve been using our technical expertise and industry knowledge to provide software solutions that use automation to improve company performance.


It’s time to automate the heavy lifting of lead buying and stop buying bad leads.
Let's discuss why it makes sense for your organization.

Copyright © 2025 ConnectMedia Ventures | 425 N. Boylan Ave., Suite D535, Raleigh, NC 27603